
Former science teacher and current software engineer. I have a passion for building valuable full-stack apps that blend clean data visualization and user-friendly interfaces in areas like sustainability dashboards and financial applications. Skills and experience include:

Python, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, Git, HTML5, CSS3, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Docker, WordPress, Journalism, Financial Risk, Microsoft Excel, and Energy Policy

A media and communication professional with a dual Master of Public Administration and Environmental Science (MPA and MSES) focused on Natural Resources Management and Policy from Indiana University Bloomington. Graduated from Columbia University in 2008.

Recent Projects

ECOFridge   Flask, ReactJS, Material-UI, Docker, Heroku

live | github 

A unique grocery item organizer that prioritizes items in the fridge, freezer, and pantry to aid the user in finding recipes and reducing their food waste.

  • Created an algorithm to sort groceries by their storage date, the current date, and food expiration data from the University of Nebraska.
  • Built a relational database with FlaskSQL to store user groceries with their corresponding expiration data for the user.
  • Implemented a pleasant and educational  user interface to notify users of what foods require priority attention.

STRABA   Flask, ReactJS, Docker, Heroku

live | github 

A Strava clone that allows users to upload GPX data and run statistics as well as follow, like, and comment on other athletes’ activities.

  • Integrated Google Maps API into React components for users to share their run data with their followers. 
  • Created a relational database with FlaskSQL and implemented routes to interface between the React UI and Flask backend in order to facilitate in user interactions by following, liking, adding activities, and commenting.
  • Developed user autonomy by linking their activities to their account, allowing for fast and efficient editing and deletion.

Algo    ReactJS, Redux, PostgreSQL, Sequelize

live | github 

A Robinhood clone where users can paper trade  stocks using real-time API data and track their portfolio performance. 

  • Integrated fetched data and backend routes with Redux’s global store by dispatching actions only when sharing information across components.
  • Built PostgreSQL database to join users with their portfolio, history, and watchlist.
  • Ensured user privacy and autonomy by utilizing BCrypt hashing and JSON Web Tokens to prevent storage of plain text passwords and allow access to authorized users.

Core Dump    Javascript, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, Sequelize

live | github 

A Stack Overflow clone where users can submit technical questions, answer, and rank other users’ questions and answers.

  • Planned and built PostgreSQL database in order to facilitate user created questions, answers, and voting.
  • Produced sign up functionality to allow users to securely create accounts with encrypted password storage as well integrated as JSON Web Token for user authorization and authentication.
  • Enhanced the user experience by incorporating  validations and database queries with Sequelize ORM.


  • I’m an inventor at heart and software development is my creative outlet.
  • I am passionate about technology and how we use it to solve big problems in health, wellness, and the environment.
  • I enjoy working in teams of creative people who care about helping others.
  • I’m always researching evolving trends and getting involved.


Leveraging Dictionaries for Efficient Rate Calculations

I recently discovered an intriguing technique that could be a game-changer for those of us who frequently deal with audits and accounting challenges at work, or those of us whom are practicing data structures and algorithms in our spare time. My favorite data types are dictionaries, also known as objects, because they allow us to …


I can be anywhere from Indianapolis, Indiana to Seoul, South Korea. The best way to contect me is through LinkedIn or email me directly at